Table of Contents

Negotiating A Book Contract
A Guide for Authors, Agents, and Lawyers

by Mark L. Levine
  1. Introduction
  2. Grant of Rights
  3. The Manuscript
    • Time of Delivery
    • What to Deliver
  4. Satisfactory Manuscript
  5. Return of Advance
  6. Editor’s Response
  7. Index
  8. Representations and Warranties
  9. Indemnification
  10. Relationship with Other Contracts
  11. Publication
    • Changes in Manuscript
    • Title Approval
    • Cover Consultation or Approval
    • Index
    • Copyright Notice
  12. Copyright—“Work for Hire”
  13. Advance
    • Amount
    • Timing
    • Bonuses
    • Flow-through
    • Repayment
    • Miscellaneous
  14. Royalties
    • “Standard” Royalty Rates
    • Hardcover
    • Trade Paperback
    • Mass Market Paperbacks
    • Children’s Hardcover Books
    • Children’s Paperback Books
    • Textbooks
    • E-Books
  15. Royalties for Verbatim Electronic Editions
  16. Net, Royalties Based On
  17. “Deep Discount”
  18. Other Reduced Royalties
    • Small Printings
    • Reprints
    • Mail Order
  19. Subsidiary Rights
    • Introduction; List of Rights
    • Points to Watch Out For—General
    • Income
      • Division with Publisher
      • When Paid (Flow-through)
    • More About Certain Rights
  20. Royalty Statements
  21. Termination
  22. Out of Print
  23. Effect of Termination.
  24. Option
  25. Competitive Books
  26. “Next Book” Clauses
  27. Revised Editions
  28. Appointment of Agent
  29. Electronic Rights
    • Multimedia Rights
    • Other Non-Verbatim Electronic Rights
    • General
  30. Other Important Clauses
    • Advertising and Material by Others
    • Reservation of Rights
    • Affiliates
    • Arbitration
    • Assignment
    • Right to Audit
    • Credit
    • Return of Manuscript and Art
    • Free Copies
    • Governing Law
    • Paperback
  31. On-Demand and Self-Publishing Contracts
  32. Appendix A— Sample Letter of Comments
  33. Appendix B— Author-Agent Contracts
  34. Notes
  35. Index
  36. About the Author